

What do you think should be covered most in the debates? What are your biggest concerns about how the debates may not answer your questions?


Mr. Redmond said...

Of course they don't answer questions, they never do :)

The key to the debates is which guy can come off less fake than the other. This is where Bush excels. He relates to the American People, and while he stumbles on his grammar occasionally, he is likable, and this is why he will win all 3 debates.

The dems seriously underestimate his debate ability. This "strategery" will be the death of them. LOLOLO

Bring on the Windsurfing Liberal :)


Val McD said...

My one hope for the debates is that we don't return to the immature childish antics of the Gore-Bush debates. No eye-rolling Kerry. Bush will probably keep his same stupid quirks and yet come across as lovable and relatable. Ahh!! How?!
When I first read Jason's comment stating that Bush relates to the American people, I laughed at first and then realized, "He's right!" The people of the U.S. seem to buy into the fact that Bush is like them. How did this get spun? Bush is a man that is affecting the art world by banning Middle Eastern Art to come into our nation. Bush is a man that is sending the sons and daughters of, not his rich peers, but his working class forgotten people off to fight a war based on many a lie. His life and background and more importantly his actions in office have proved to be against the majority of the U.S. as we see a very bipolar economy evolve. Yet, Jason is right in that Bush grabs the common man's attention.
My fear is that Kerry will prove during the debates that he still hasn't taken a stance on an issue. In September, he started emerging, but I think that might be too late. Dear Lord, if Bush gets reelected, I will have to figure out a way to move to Canada.
Sidenote: You know things have gotten bad with the National Catholic Reporter prints an article about why Bush shouldn't be reelected.

The Guz said...

Even though I think that Kerry can crush Bush on the credibility issue, considering how many times Bush has repeatedly said things that aren't true, (Although I admit, the more times he says things that aren't true, the more people start to believe him) I hope that we don't have a debate about what happened 30 years ago in the Texas National guard or on a swiftboat in Vietnam. Can we please talk about 1)Bush's record 2)What each person is going to do about our myriad of current problems and 3)What have you done that makes me think that you're going to do what you say you will. Considering how many times Bush has lied about Iraq, No Child Left Behind, Healthcare, and the state of our economy, I think that if they stick with the issues and their records, America will see that its better to have a windsurfing, prep school, Ivy league liberal, than a bumbling, prep school, used to smoke Cocaine, Daddy helped him ditch the TX national guard, pandering to the rich, bigoted, Ivy league (only b/c his dad went there) pseudo-conservative.

Mr. Redmond said...

Typical liberal talking points. This is why I am sick of getting into these conversations because everyone on the left says things that are continually fed to them. Stand up and have a thought of your own. Don't tell we what you heard on CNN or what you hear Al Franken say on the radio. Even the wordings come down to being the same. The stance that makes me the most angry is "Everything Bush does is wrong, everything the democrats say (not do, because they don't do anything) is right"

Of course people make mistakes, George Bush included. Did he lie when he said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, HELL NO. They had an unauthorized nuclear weapons program and biological weapons. Now, was the ultimate truth exaggerated, HELL YES. But not willingly. The CIA made a mistake and gave Bush bad information. And George Tenet paid for his mistake like he should have.

NCLB is one of the best pieces of legislation to be passed, (bipartisan mind you) and this is coming from a teacher. Now, is it working perfectly yet, HELL NO, but it guarantees the fact that every teacher in a classroom actually has the qualifications to be a FUCKIN teacher. What a novel idea. Also, kids are finally being held accountable in some way for learning. Teachers and schools districts are too. It's amazing that it has taken this long for it to happen. Things that still need to be fixed: funding. Some areas are not funded correctly. That change will come, but it doesnt happen overnight, especially with the NEA stranglehold on the DNC. Also, a clearer version of testing needs to happen. Some states are far ahead of others, once they are all on the same page then we can go from there.

As far as moving to Canada, go ahead. I wish more people would. There would be a whole lot less complaining. If you wanna live in a country where the government does everything for you, then move there. This country will never be that way.


JenChesher said...

Seriously Jason, you're an educator, and our biases are a great basis for good, valuable education in changing them or defending them, whichever is necessary. If you contest part of what someone says, then do it--we all have opinions that are rooted in things that different scholars and journalists and philosophers have said, so just give everyone the benefit of doubt that their intentions are still the same; to make the best decision possible for themselves and our country. Let's teach eachother about our viewpoints though and not walk off in a huff when we don't like what we're hearing!

Val McD said...

Thank you Jen Chesher! You are a lady and a scholar.

The Guz said...

I'm also a teacher, Just like Jason--and I don't really watch CNN. I'm more of an ESPN guy that follows politics. And I'll admit, I don't think George Bush flat out lied knowing all along that there weren't WMDs, but I do believe that he was willing to accept faulty evidence because he wanted to go to war. Bush mislead us. When over 1,000 american lives and 30,000 - 50,000 (by most estimates) Iraqi lives are involved, saying "We know that Saddam has weapons of mass distruction" and linking him to Bin Laden when you really mean, "we are suspicious about the possibility of Saddam having weapons of mass destruction" and "Both Bin Laden and Saddam hate us" is as good as lying for me.