OK, I'm getting serious now--what the hell is up with the economy anyway? Is Kerry right and will he actually improve it, or will he just give handout jobs and make it even worse? Is Bush at fault for the last few years of drama -- seeing as a little thing called 9/11 happened -- and if he's at fault, it can't JUST be the tax breaks and outsourcing (It is my impression that he simply hasn't stopped it, and that's all the complaint . .. )
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I think creating over a million jobs in the past year says a lot for what Bush is doing for the economy. Leave it to the liberal media and the scare tactics of the democrats to create major issue out of "outsourcing". Outsourcing is not a major issue. It is a simple issue that can be fixed by health care costs being lowered. Make it competitive for US companies to hire here and they will.
And another thing, the DOW index is now back to where it was before 9/11, a jump of over 3000 points since the crash...
Griffin James, you are fabulous. I love the informed voter, even if they are Michael Moore reading hippies;) Anyway, I think your post is a nice addition and I thank you for joining us. About the economy, this is totally still just 9/11 bounce back. And really, I want to know how Kerry really thinks he will have the power to improve the economy SOOOOO much and create all of these jobs in the process. I mean, the governmental deficit didn't get there by one president alone, and if none of them could get things under control, why is he the savior? Maybe I'm speaking gibberish, tell me if I'm wrong please! Don't have the misguided impression that just because I studied political theory I know politics either--I've just started to pay attention in the last few years.
As with most things, there is a balance here. The president (or the Fed Chair) does not controll the economy, but he (or she--hopefully someday) can steer it. I admidt, its probably a bit like steering the titanic, but the president can have an effect. As far as what Clinton did for the economy let me see...
1) Controlling Government spending--yes, relative the the inflation rate, spending was essentially flat (or down depending on who you ask)
2) Increasing revenue--1993 deficit reduction plan included a tax hike on the rich (what, a tax hike on the rich didn't actually slow the economy?????? amazing!!!!!!!)
3) NAFTA--brought more high tech jobs to the U.S.
4) Middle Class tax breaks--Hope and Lifetime learning credits are a few examples
5) Welfare reform (Yes, a republican initiative, but good 'ol Billiam signed it, didn't he!!)
6) Keeping good relations with our long standing allies and not alienating half, wait 90% of the planet.
Now lets look at Dubya's record
1) Government spending is increasing at a rate not even dreamed about by other presidents.
2) Tax breaks for the richest Americans--That's right, Bush's Tax cut sent 90% of the money to 10% of the people. Why is that stupid?????? Any logical person can tell you that if someone making $50K was going to buy let's say, a washing machine, but now the cost of energy and gasoline are so high that he can't afford it, he won't buy it, but someone making $1milion can absorb the higher costs and will still buy everything that they were going to. Now, I know what all you Reganomics fans are saying, "THAT'LL TAKE MONEY AWAY FROM HIS INVESTMENTS" In some economic periods, that may be true, but a look at our current market will show you, that there is an excess of cash waiting to be poured into the market by investors (that's why bonds are doing so well and why when a company even posts modest earnings, they always go way up!!!) P/E ratios are still relatively high, and that shows you that investors have enough cash to put into stocks with good potential. If Bush really wanted to jumpstart the economy, he'd put money into the hands of people that would actually spend it. Bush, however is too concerned with the people who put him in office--Rich folks.
3)Bush has taken no initiatives to lower the cost of healthcare, energy or college tuition. And don't bring up the stupid Alaskan Wildlife oil crap. We could save 10 times more oil than we'd ever get from AK simply by aplying passenger car fuel economy standards to SUV's.
4)See # 2
5)Bush has acted to cut veteran's benefits--which takes money out of the economy (Good 'ol Keynesian economics at its worst)
6) Having the world hate us can't be good for business. Not Dubya's fault you say?? Think back to Sept. 12th 2001 and ask yourself if we had any friends around the world. Somehow, Bush has managed to turn all our friends who were having pro-America rallies into enemies. Not suprising considering the fact that Bush doesn't have a Brai......okay, I'll try to keep it civil.
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